This study documents the rates at which children involved with foster care enter the juvenile justice system (crossover or dually involved), and the factors associated with this risk.
The sample was a birth cohort of youth born in 1994 and 1995 who had at least one foster care spell prior to juvenile justice involvement. The sample was linked to juvenile justice data to determine the crossover rate, as well as risk factors for crossover. These analyses were standardized across three cities to validate patterns across sites.
From foster care to juvenile justice: Exploring characteristics of youth in three cities
Cutuli, J. J., Goerge, R. M., Coulton, C., Schretzman, M., Crampton, D., Charvat, B. J., Lalich, N., Raithel, J., Gacitua, C. & Lee, E. L. (2016). Children and Youth Services Review, 67, 84-94.