Fair Housing and Source of Income Discrimination

Profile of audience sitting at event next to a sign that reads: “There’s No Room For Housing Discrimination in NYC,” 6th Fair Housing Symposium, Tuesday, April 16, 2019. 6th Annual Fair Housing Symposium, April 2019 (Photo credit: Adrienne Nicole Productions).

The Commission’s Fair Housing work has a renewed urgency and importance as we address the increased needs for stable and supportive housing. Predatory landlords attempt to take advantage of federal immigration policies and actions by discriminating against and harassing tenants based on their immigration status, nation of origin, race, religion, and other protected classes. Other housing providers illegally refuse to accept potential tenants because they are paying with a government voucher. The Commission works with housing providers, tenant organizers, and community groups to address and confront these illegal and discriminatory practices.

CRB is active in communities opposing these unlawful practices by landlords and empowering tenants by educating them and sharing necessary resources. We continue to engage with housing providers, tenant organizers, and community groups to ensure that all New Yorkers, no matter their immigration status, nation of origin, race, religion, or any other protected categories under the City Human Rights Law, understand their rights.