Structurally Compromised Buildings
Owners of buildings that are potentially structurally compromised are required by Article 217 of the New York City Administrative Code and 1 RCNY §102-03 to hire a New York State licensed design professional to inspect the structure within 60 days of the building becoming structurally compromised and file a report with the Department within 30 days after the inspection. The Registered Design Professional hired must be in good standing with the New York State Education Department and the New York City Department of Buildings.
A potentially structurally compromised building is one that:
- has had an open roof for 60 days or longer; or
- has been shored and braced or otherwise temporarily safeguarded pursuant to an emergency declaration issued by the Commissioner, or due to concern for structural integrity as determined by a Registered Design Professionalr; or
- has been subject to a precept as a compromised structure under section 216.1.1 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code; or
- may have suffered structural damage by fire or by partial collapse of floors, interior or exterior walls or any other cause as determined by the Commissioner.
See 1 RCNY §102-03 for more information on inspection and report filing requirements.
Initial Inspection
The owner of a building or structure that has become potentially compromised must have a structural condition inspection of such building or structure. The inspection must be performed by a registered design professional (RDP) within 60 days of the onset of the condition to have the building evaluated. The RDP must file a report as per 1 RCNY §102-03 with the Department within 30 days after the date of the inspection. The report needs to be filed with a completed TR15 form.
Periodic & Final Inspections
After the initial inspection and filing of the report, structural condition inspections must be performed and periodic reports must be filed annually, unless otherwise specified by the Department. The periodic inspections must continue until an acceptable certification is filed with the Department (Final Report) by the RDP stating that the building or structure is no longer potentially structurally compromised.
Notifications of Structurally Compromised Conditions
- Department notification by owner. An owner of a building or structure must notify the Department by both calling 311 and emailing that such building or structure has become potentially compromised immediately after such owner knows or should have known of the condition.
- Department notification by registered design professional. If a structural condition inspection reveals that there is an immediate risk to the public or property due to a violation of any applicable law or rule or any unsafe condition, the registered design professional must immediately notify the Department and the owner by both calling 311 and in emailing .
The owner shall immediately secure public safety by removing the unsafe condition or safeguarding the area.
Initial, Periodic & Final Report Requirements
The RDP must file a report that includes, but not limited to, the following information:
- the address, block, and lot of the property
- the owner’s name and contact information, including an address for the receipt of notifications and service of process
- the names, addresses, contact information, and license or registration numbers of the Registered Design Professional and all individuals working directly the RDP’s direct supervision involved in the critical examination
- detailed description of the building, including height, dimensions, usage, age, construction type, materials, etc.
- A detailed description of any maintenance, repairs, or the results of engineering monitoring performed to the building, including but not limited to foundation settlement, bulging, or cracking of the wall, floors, roof, or any structural parts, movement of any elements or appurtenances, or other defects or changes.
- the date of inspection or inspections
- detailed description of the procedures used during critical examination
- detailed description and mapping of the structural damage found, including any deterioration, instability, or movement detected
- a comprehensive analysis of the structural condition of the building or structure as a result of the structural damage, based on probes and calculations
- photographs of each condition must be clearly labeled with a description
- a plot plan of the entire building and all adjacent structures showing relationship to adjacent properties
- schematically sketched floor and roof plans, sections, elevations, foundation plans and details, , with notes relating to the existing conditions that cause the building to be structurally compromised at least two different photographs of each of the following: street façades, side façades, rear façades, the roof, and the condition of the interior of the property
- a statement that the owner received the report
- an estimate of how long the building will remain stable
- a proposed schedule for monitoring and repairing the condition
- 8 1/2" x 11" sketches showing the work required to stabilize the property, such as shoring, repair, bracing, and/or partial demolition; and
- any additional information requested by the Commissioner.
Filing Fees
Initial Filing..........................$500
Periodic Filing.....................$500
Final Filing..........................$500
Report Submission & Fee Payment
- Request an invoice for the report that is being filed by emailing the Structurally Compromised Buildings Unit at with the Subject Line Request for Invoice for BIN/Address/Report Type where Report Type is Initial, Periodic, or Final, or by visiting the Structurally Compromised Buildings Unit at 280 Broadway, 4th floor to request an invoice in-person.
- Bring the invoice and payment to the Central Cashier at 280 Broadway, 1st Floor Atrium. Payments can be made by credit card, check, and money order.
NOTE: Credit card payments include a non-refundable 2% service charge on the total payment due.
- Email the report and payment receipt to the Structurally Compromised Buildings Unit at with the subject line Report for BIN/Address/Report Type where Report Type is Initial, Periodic, or Final.
NOTE: Only one report per email may be submitted.
- Report must be in PDF format with name BIN-Address-Report Type where Report Type is Initial, Periodic, or Final.
Civil Penalties
Failure to File (initial report) $3,000 per year
Any violations for Structural Compromised Buildings will be dismissed only after an acceptable final report is submitted to the Department and all civil penalties paid.
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