Start A Block Association

Block associations can serve several functions in a neighborhood. They can provide social opportunities to help neighbors get to know one another, through planning block parties and other events. They can also provide functional opportunities to plan for security, holiday decorating ideas and/or plant coordination. Not least, they can also provide political opportunities for responding to problems such as inappropriate development projects. Block associations can be the backbone of a community.

Contact your neighbors to have a meeting and discuss goals for the association. Develop a list of ideas and issues that most neighbors agree on.

Plan a structure for the association. Decide how often you will meet (monthly, quarterly or as needed) and how you will keep in touch (email, flyers, etc.). Choose officers or steering committee members, decide what you will do for and with money and write the bylaws.

Start with a small activity. Plan a clean-up day or a progressive dinner party to allow neighbors to get to know each other better. Tackle your first big issue. If it’s planning a block party, for example, invite all residents to the general meeting to exchange ideas and participate in the activity. Develop a calendar for planning the event.

Once you have organized your new association, please provide the Community Board Office and the 63rd and 69th Precincts Community Affairs Unit with a list of officers, addresses and telephone numbers.