Board of Standards and Appeals

The Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) requires that all applicants provide copies of their applications to the local community board, councilmember, borough president, and the Department of City Planning. These entities are also required to be notified by the applicant of public hearings at least 20 days in advance of the hearing date. Additionally, for applications on the BZ calendar, hearing notices must be sent to property owners within a 400’ radius of the application’s address (the radius is reduced to 200’ for applications that involve one- to three-family homes and special permit applications for lots of less than 40,000 square feet).

Once the Application is received and reviewed, Community Board 18 will conduct a duly advertised Public Hearing on the matter before the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

To apply for a Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) application or to get further information regarding the application process please view the file an application page.