Data About NYC Veterans

Data About NYC Veterans

  Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island NYC Total
Civilian population 18 years and over 23,482 33,841 27,778 38,515 11,522 135,138
Male 21,857 30,046 25,004 34,538 10,760 122,205
Female 1,625 3,795 2,774 3,977 762 12,933
18 to 34 years 1,966 3,003 2,335 3,859 629 11,792
35 to 54 years 5,153 6,755 5,916 7,999 1,829 27,652
55 to 64 years 5,716 6,518 4,373 5,873 1,628 24,108
65 to 74 years 4,975 7,992 4,845 9,046 3,471 30,329
75 years and over 5,672 9,573 10,309 11,738 3,965 41,257
Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin
White alone 6,676 13,940 17,090 17,329 9,437 64,472
Black or African American alone 9,533 13,356 5,459 10,522 891 39,761
American Indian and Alaska Native alone 253 381 116 209 95 1,054
Asian alone 417 1,693 860 3,799 418 7,187
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 14 0 36 0 50
Some other race alone 4,143 2,018 1,840 2,771 296 11,068
Two or more races 2,460 2,439 2,413 3,849 385 11,546
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 9,461 5,898 5,631 8,598 1,497 31,085
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 4,457 12,089 15,430 14,635 8,583 55,194
Note: When focusing solely on race categories, the totals match the population total. Including the Hispanic or Latino origin results in double counting, as individuals may be counted in both their race and Hispanic or Latino categories.
Disability Status
With any disability 8,324 9,698 7,993 9,662 3,405 39,082
Without a disability 14,431 23,896 19,536 28,122 7,997 93,982
Note: The ACS provides data on disability status, but it primarily focuses on individuals for whom poverty status is determined.
Period of Service
Gulf War (9/2001 or later) veterans 4,661 7,057 6,409 7,785 1,622 27,534
Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) veterans 4,036 5,303 4,314 6,079 1,833 21,565
Vietnam era veterans 6,892 11,179 7,156 12,655 4,525 42,407
Korean War veterans 1,863 2,169 3,078 3,417 1,294 11,821
World War II veterans 380 677 1,224 1,055 289 3,625
Note: The categories under period of service are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Veterans may have served in more than one period.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates