Learn About a Public Agency Before the First Meeting

If a CBO has not yet built a relationship with a public agency that is critical to its community development goals, the organization should consider performing research on the agency’s functions before its first meeting.

  • Research the agency’s authority, its priorities, and the funding it provides CBOs.
  • Search for existing agency plans regarding the planning area.
  • Identify an appropriate agency staff member to approach.
  • Use what you have learned to shape your presentation of your plan or project to the agency.

At the initial meeting with the public agency, a CBO will learn how its view, and the agency’s view, of the planning area differ.  A community group should consider revising its planning goals to address any agency’s objections. Wherever possible, the community organization should align its plan with that of the agency central to its achievement. Agreement between a community developer and an agency can lead to a long term partnership that over time achieves the non-profit’s goals for community development. Without agency support, a community developer’s plans may be delayed or perhaps never implemented.