Qualifying Age: The minimum age of appointment is 21 years old. However, candidates are eligible to take the Police Officer's Entrance Exam at seventeen and one half (17½) years old. Candidates must register to take the Entrance Exam prior to their 35th birthday.
Education: You must have earned 60 college credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA from an accredited institution or 2 years of active military service in the U.S. Armed Forces in order to be appointed to the title of Police Officer.
Residency: You must also be a United States citizen, have a valid New York driver license and live in one of the city's five boroughs or Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, Putnam or Orange counties within 30 days of being hired.
Disqualifiers: Candidates will be disqualified if they have been convicted of a felony, domestic violence misdemeanor, or have been dishonorably discharged from the military. Candidates may also be disqualified if they demonstrate a history of disrespect for the law, a tendency toward violence, termination from a job for poor behavior, or not adjusting to discipline.
All qualified candidates will be scheduled at the Candidate Assessment Center to complete the aforementioned exams. For any questions, please call the Candidate Assesment Center at (718) 312-4226 during the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, or email CAD@NYPD.org.
If you have recently taken any exams and have not received an email to begin your process, check your spam or contact Candidate Relations at CAD@nypd.org. Please add CAD@nypd.org to your contact list in order to receive all communications from the Candidate Assessment Division.