The Film Office issues permits to productions filming on location in the City of New York and provides free police assistance, free parking privileges, and access to most exterior locations. A modest fee is required depending on how long you need permits.
Read More about Permit Requirements
In order for you or your organization to be eligible for a filming permit, Liability Insurance is required. A *Certificate of Insurance* must be provided to the Film Office 48 hours in advance of your online permit application submission. (When submitting your online permit application, be sure the Company Name matches exactly the name of Insured on your insurance certificate.)
Read More about Insurance Requirements
For filming in city parks, please visit Parks Film Shoot Request Form and complete online form. Your request will be routed to the appropriate individual park manager. Please allow at least 48 hours for park manager to respond to your request. Once a park manager has approved your shoot, submit the Film Office online permit, referencing the park manager who provided approval. Read More about Filming in a Park