Americans with Disability Act Notice of Rights

The New York City Law Department does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the operation of its programs, services or activities. Pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act and the New York State and New York City Human Rights Laws, individuals with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations necessary to enable them to participate in programs, services and activities.

Anyone who needs a disability related accommodation in order to participate in a program or receive a service at the Law Department (involving matters other than employment) is invited to make their needs and preferences with respect to accommodation known to us by contacting the Law Department’s Disability Service Facilitators (DSF):

Leon Breeden 
Chief of Facilities/Deputy EEO Officer
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10007

Bijan Vafegh
Assistant EEO Officer
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10007

Employees seeking a reasonable accommodation should refer to the Office Manual. A grievance regarding employment practices should be made to the Law Department’s EEO Officer or a Deputy EEO Officer in accordance with the Law Department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, found in the Office Manual. A form for employees and applicants for employment seeking a reasonable accommodation can be found in our Office Manual or by clicking here

Grievance Procedure under The Americans with Disabilities Act

A grievance pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York State Human Rights Law and/or the New York City Human Rights Law by members of the public should be made to the Law Department’s Disability Service Facilitators listed above.  

Please submit any grievance in writing and include information including the name, address, and phone number of the aggrieved party, the location, date, and description of the problem. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request. The complaint should be submitted by the grievant or the grievant’s designee as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation.  

Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the complaint, the Disability Service Facilitator(s) or their designee will contact the complainant to discuss the complaint and the possible resolutions. Within 15 calendar days of the meeting, the Disability Service Facilitator(s) or their designee will respond in writing, and where appropriate, in format accessible to the complainant, such as large print, Braille, or audio tape. The response will explain the position of the Law Department and offer options for resolution of the complaint.