The Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs offers a wide range of information and referrals to resources, which include immigration legal services, City services and benefits, and other types of assistance.
Learn more about MOIA's services
MOIA programs promote the well-being of immigrant communities.
Learn more about MOIA's programs
City agencies are forbidden by Executive Order 41 to ask about immigration status unless it is necessary to determine eligibility for a benefit or service. If an individual does share his or her immigration status or other confidential information with the City, City employees may not report this to anyone, except when it is necessary for the investigation of an illegal activity, not including status as an undocumented immigrant.
City agencies that provide direct social services are required by law to arrange for interpretation and translations in individuals' primary languages.
All New Yorkers have the right to access most City services, regardless of immigration status, including education, emergency food, shelter, health care, legal services, and municipal IDs.