Green Roof Tax Abatement

This program provides a one-time property tax abatement for properties that have green roofs. Green roofs have vegetation that absorbs rainwater, provides insulation, and combats the heat island effect, wherein urban environments can have higher temperatures than surrounding areas.


  • The tax abatement is equal to $10.00 per square foot of green roof space. The benefit is capped at whichever is less: $200,000 or the amount of property taxes due for the building that tax year. If the abatement amount exceeds your tax liability in any tax year, the remaining amount may be applied to your taxes within five years from when the abatement was initially taken.
  • The Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability has promulgated a rule that allows properties in select districts to receive an enhanced benefit of $15 per square foot of green roof space.
  • Condominium abatements are divided among the individual condominium units.
  • The abatement length is one year.
  • While the Department of Finance administers the green roof abatement, the Department of Buildings determines eligibility and approves the green roof abatement application.


  • Class 1, 2, or 4 properties
  • Construction must have begun on or after August 5, 2008
  • If you receive ICAP, 421-a, 421-b, or 421-g, or pay PILOTs, you are not eligible for the Green Roof Tax Abatement

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