Filing Information

All businesses (incorporated and unincorporated) operating in New York City are subject to business taxes. Each tax type may have specific eligibility requirements, filing guidelines, deadlines, tax rates, and other important information.

Requests for Permission to Use an Alternative Allocation Method
When filing General Corporation Tax (GCT) returns (NYC-3L and NYC-3A) and Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT) returns (NYC-202 and NYC-204), the business allocation percentage must be calculated using the method laid out by law and the tax paid accordingly, unless the Department of Finance consents to use a different allocation method.

If you use a private carrier like Federal Express or United Parcel Service (UPS) please submit paper returns and payments to:

Tax Returns
NYC Tax Return Processing Center
30 Wall Street
Binghamton, NY 13901-2718

Bill Payments
NYC Bill Payment Processing Center
711 Executive Blvd., Suite H
Valley Cottage, NY 10989

Note: Tax returns, schedules and related attachments must be filed through Modernized e-Filing, the online e-Services system, or by mailing paper documents. Digital media such as CDs, DVDs, or Memory Sticks/Cards will not be accepted. Filings that incorporate unauthorized digital media may be rejected and may result in non-filing or late filing penalties, as applicable.

Taxpayers who do not pay their taxes to the Department of Finance can expect one or more of the following:

  • Notice of Tax Due – A  bill showing the outstanding tax, penalty and interest due.
  • Notice and Demand for Payment due – A  bill for taxes due if there is no response to the previous notice.
  • Notice of Determination – A bill showing the outstanding tax, penalty and interest due, and is petitionable via the Department of Finance’s Conciliation Bureau of the NYC Tax Appeals Tribunal.

If all notices go unanswered, the case will be transferred to the Department of Finance’s Collections Division.

5% per month, or part thereof, up to 5 months, is added to the net tax owed if your return is late. If the return is more than 60 days late, the minimum penalty is $100 or the tax due with the return, whichever is lower.

.5% per month, or part thereof, up to 50 months is added to the net tax owed, if the return is underpaid.

Late filing and/or late payment penalties may be waived if there is reasonable cause for the lateness. The Department of Finance requires a written request explaining why the return was filed late.

Related Information

Voluntary Disclosure and Compliance
Copies of Filed Returns
Interest Rates on Underpayments