Launched in October 2023, the NYC Mayor's Office of Equity and Racial Justice (MOERJ) is the City's centralized equity office that takes an intersectional approach to advancing change across our city. This new body expands on the city's extensive equity efforts and fulfills the promise made in November 2022, when New York City residents voted in favor of an office dedicated to racial equity.
MOERJ continues the innovative work of the NYC Mayor's Office of Equity while playing an integral role in the city's new racial equity planning process. This newly enshrined office includes NYC Her Future (NHF), the NYC Commission on Gender Equity (CGE), the NYC Unity Project (UP), and the NYC Young Men's Initiative (YMI) as well as multi-agency bodies like the NYC Pay Equity Cabinet (PEC) and the NYC Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity (TRIE). Together, this body of offices and commissions engage New York City's diverse communities and constituencies to advance equity and create transformative change to promote racial justice within New York City.
The NYC Mayor's Office of Equity & Racial Justice (MOERJ) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the operation of its programs, services and activities and strives to be welcoming to and inclusive of people with disabilities. For more information about disability access, please visit the Mayor's Office Accessibility page.