HIV Care Status Reports System

As of March 2015, the HIV Care Status Reports (CSR) system is available to all NYC clinical providers. The CSR system is a secure, web-based application that enables facilities to electronically submit eligible out-of-care patients (>6 months) to the Health Department for a query against the HIV registry for return of limited information on the patients’ current HIV care status in NYC. The CSR system is accessible via the Health Department’s NYCMED provider portal.

The purpose of the CSR system is to assist providers in identifying patients who are out of care in New York City. The only individual-level data that will be returned from the HIV CSR system to providers are the four following care status outcomes: follow-up needed, no follow-up needed – In Care, no follow-up needed - Deceased, or non-case. The outcomes are based on HIV-related laboratory test data (CD4 counts, viral load tests) reported to the NYC HIV Surveillance system and information on vital status.

For more detailed information, please see the following presentations:

Urgent Care Status Request Alternative

If you have an urgent care status request on a high priority patient (e.g. pregnant woman), please call the HIV Epidemiology and Field Services at 212-442-3388 for assistance in obtaining care status.

Providers or their designee making an urgent request will be required to undergo verification of eligibility by providing the medical license number of the treating physician or agency medical director. Callers must also demonstrate a clinical relationship with the patient by providing the date and result of their most recent HIV-related laboratory test (CD4 counts and/or viral load ).

If you have more questions about the CSR system, email

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