Eighth Annual Awards for Excellence in Design, June 8, 1989

Design of Transitional Housing Facilities for Families and Singles
A Project of the Department of General Services and the Human Resources Administration
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects

Design of a Prototypical Intermediate School
Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens
A Project of the Board of Education
Richard Dattner Architects

Reconstruction of Babi Yar Park
Brighton 14th Street, Corbin Place and Oceanview Avenue, Brooklyn
A Project of the Department of Parks & Recreation
Krog & Tegnell Landscape Architects

Construction of a Plaza and Adjacent Landscape, including the Installation of The Judgment of Solomon and The Judgment of Pao Kung and Immigration on the Lower East Side by Richard Haas and Judgment by Kit-Yin Snyder
White Street Detention Facility, White Street between Baxter Street and Centre Street, Manhattan
A Project of the Department of General Services, the Department of Correction and the Department of Cultural Affairs' Percent for Art Program
Urbahn + Litchfield Grosfeld, Architects
Richard Haas, Artist
Kit-Yin Snyder, Artist

Reconstruction of Cobble Hill Park
Congress Street, Clinton Street and Verandah Place, Brooklyn
A Project of the Department of Parks & Recreation
Ralph Borkowski, Department of Parks & Recreation

Reconstruction of the Flushing Bay Promenade, including the Installation of a Paving Design by Jackie Ferrara
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens
A Project of the Department of Parks & Recreation and the Department of Cultural Affairs' Percent for Art Program
Miceli Kulik Williams Architects
Jackie Ferrara, Artist

Conservation of Law through the Ages (1936) by Attilio Pusterla and Restoration of Stained Glass Windows (c. 1936) by Attilio Pusterla
New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, Manhattan
A Project of the Committee of 100 and the Department of General Services
Constance S. Silver, Preservar
Greenland Studios in Consultation with Julie L. Sloan

Installation of Amerika - For the People of Bathgate by Tim Rollins and K.O.S.
Elementary School 4, 1701 Fulton Avenue, Bronx
A Project of the Board of Education
Tim Rollins and K.O.S., Artists