The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is proposing a minor modification to the South Richmond Watershed Drainage Plans Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). On July 14, 2003, the South Richmond Watershed Drainage Plans FEIS, CEQR No. 01DEP004R, was published by DEP acting as lead agency, pursuant to the CEQR process. The FEIS was prepared to address the range of potential environmental impacts as defined by the Scope of Work and comments received during the public comment period. The FEIS analyzed a comprehensive drainage plan for the collection, conveyance and management of stormwater and the collection, conveyance and treatment of wastewater for the following 10 watersheds: Mill Creek; Butler Manor; Conference House Park; Jack’s Pond; Wood Duck Pond; Arden Heights Woods; South Shore Golf Course; Village Greens; Rossville; and Clay Pit Ponds/Port Mobil.
The proposed modification would relocate the proposed extended wetland detention best management practice (BMP) B-2 to Mount Loretto Pond within the Mount Loretto Preserve. The purpose of the proposed modification is to eliminate disturbance to Cunningham Pond, an AR-15 Class 1 designated waterbody, at the request of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Under the proposed modification, proposed BMP B-2 would manage runoff from the same drainage area and would provide extended detention as stated in the 2003 FEIS. However, the outlet would be relocated about 200 feet to the east and would discharge to Mount Loretto Pond, instead of Cunningham Pond, as originally proposed. Mount Loretto Pond is upstream of Cunningham Pond and east of Cunningham Road. The western boundary extends along a main access road into Mount Loretto Preserve.
Please direct any questions or comments to:
Erin Morey, Deputy Director
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Environmental Planning and Analysis
59-17 Junction Boulevard, 11th Floor
Flushing, New York 11373
Phone: 718-595-6443
Fax: 718-595-4479