FY25 SU-CASA Application

The FY25 application deadline is 5pm ET, Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

SU-CASA is a community arts engagement program that places artists and organizations in residence at senior centers across New York City. The program, funded in FY25 by the New York City Council, provides grants to artists and organizations for the creation and delivery of arts programming for seniors. Teaching artists will engage participating seniors in an art project or series of cultural programs over the course of the residency, which will also include a public program component – an exhibit, reading, performance, open house, or other cultural interaction open to the surrounding community. The program will support residencies for individual artists and cultural organizations at senior centers across the City’s 51 Council districts.

SU-CASA is a collaboration among the New York City Council, the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), the Department for the Aging (DFTA) and four of the City's local arts councils – Bronx Council on the Arts, Brooklyn Arts Council, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, and Staten Island Arts. Individual artists are eligible to participate in partnership with these four local arts councils; any individual artist interested in participating should contact the arts council in their home borough. Individual artists based in Queens should align with an arts organization to participate in FY25.

Organizations that have submitted an eligible application to the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) for FY25 and members of the Cultural Institutions Group (CIG) are eligible to apply through DCLA. All eligible organizations received a direct email containing a link to the Guidelines as well as access to the Application form.


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