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Ida Action Plan

Texts, drafted plan for the remnants of hurricane ida.

Hurricane Ida

On March 22, 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that New York City will receive $187,973,000 in funding to support long-term recovery efforts following Hurricane Ida. On January 18, 2023, HUD announced the City will receive an additional allocation of $122,844,000, bringing the total CDBG-DR allocation for Hurricane Ida to $310,817,000. All of which is administered by the City’s Office of Management and Budget.

Action Plan Overview

The Hurricane Ida Action Plan establishes the City's unmet needs as result of damage caused by Hurricane Ida, the City's plan for how the HUD award will be used, and how the City plans to comply with federal regulations associated with the Grant. Generally, funds must be used for the following types of activities: 

  • Disaster relief
  • Long-term recovery
  • Restoration of infrastructure and housing
  • Economic revitalization
  • Mitigation

As needs shift and new information emerges, the City can amend the Action Plan. Depending on the nature and dollar value associated with the change, the City will publish either a technical or substantial amendment. Guidelines concerning such amendments are detailed in the City's Citizen Participation Plan, linked below. 

Citizen Participation Plan

Current Plan

Please access the City's substantial Amendment through the link below. 

Amendment Three: Substantial (SA3)

SA3 Executive Summary

Action Plan Executive Summary Translations: ملخص تنفيذي |  কার্যনির্বাহী সারসংক্ষেপ | 执行摘要 | Résumé analytique | Rezime Egzekitif | 개요서 | Podsumowanie dla kadry zarządzającejСводный отчет | Resumen ejecutivo | ایگزیکٹو خلاصہ.

Record of Public Notice

Public Notice: Public Notice SA 3

Public Notice Translations: إعلان عام عن توفر التعديل الجوهري الثالث | উল্লেখযোগ্য সংশোধনীর জন্য উপস্থিত হওয়ার পাবলিক নোটিশ তিন | Aviso público de disponibilidad de la tercera enmienda sustancial | Avis public de disponibilité pour le troisième amendement substantiel | Avi Piblik sou Disponibilite pou Twazyèm Amannman Sibstansyèl | 실질적 개정 3안에 대한 공개 고지 | Publiczne ogłoszenie o dostępności trzeciej istotnej poprawki | Публичное уведомление о возможности подачи заявки на третью существенную поправку | 关于实质性修正案(三)的下发公告 | اہم ترمیم کے لیے دستیابی کا عوامی نوٹس تین 

Previous Action Plan Versions

Amendment Two: Technical (TA2)

Hurricane Ida Action Plan Technical Amendment Two (TA 2)

Action Plan TA 2 Executive Summary

Amendment One: Substantial (SA 1)

Hurricane Ida Action Plan SA 1

Action Plan SA 1 Executive Summary

Action Plan Executive Summary Translations: ملخص تنفيذي |  কার্যনির্বাহী সারসংক্ষেপ | 执行摘要 | Résumé analytique | Rezime Egzekitif | 개요서 | Podsumowanie dla kadry zarządzającejСводный отчет | Resumen ejecutivo | ایگزیکٹو خلاصہ.

Record of Public Notice

Public Notice: Public Notice SA 1

Public Notice Translations: إشعار عام بالتوافرপ্রাপ্যতাে প্াবনলর্ মিাটিশ可用性公告AVIS PUBLIC DE DISPONIBILITÉ | AVI PIBLIK POU DISPONIBLITE | 가용성 공개 고지PUBLICZNE OGŁOSZENIE O DOSTĘPNOŚCIДоступно публичное уведомление по отчетуAVISO PÚBLICO DE DISPONIBILIDAD | دستیابی کا عوامی نوٹ س.

First Hurricane Ida Action Plan

Hurricane Ida Action Plan 1