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As the certifier of City pension benefits, the NYCOA is the independent check on the pension benefits to be received by members of the City’s retirement systems upon retirement.

The NYCOA does not counsel retirement system members on their pension benefits and does not accept any inquiries on the status of cases. That is the sole responsibility of the retirement systems.

The NYCOA is responsible for making sure the calculations done by the systems, to determine an individual’s retirement benefit, are accurate.

If you have questions related to your pension benefits, the Home Page of this website provides the links to the NYC Retirement Systems.

New York City Office of the Actuary
255 Greenwich Street
9th Floor
New York, NY 10007

Email the Office of the Actuary

For more information about our office visit our Twitter page

FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) Request

If you have a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request, visit Open Records, NYC’s agency-wide platform to manage and respond to these types of requests.

Requesting a Fiscal Note

Legislative bills enacting or modifying public retirement benefits in New York, pursuant to Legislative Law section 50, require a fiscal note. The New York City Office of the Actuary (NYCOA) prepares fiscal notes for bills that could impact one or more of the City’s pension funds and retirement systems. Fiscal notes are based on annually updated actuarial valuations and projections, which are generally unavailable until January or February of each year. Therefore, although the New York State Legislative Session generally begins in early January, the NYCOA may be unable to process fiscal notes until the Legislative Session is well underway. Additionally, the fulfillment of Fiscal Notes often requires the collection of additional data from the City’s pension funds retirement systems and other entities and sometimes Fiscal Notes cannot be produced until a proposed bill is revised to ensure the bill achieves its objectives. However, you may still submit your request at any time for a fiscal note by completing the Fiscal Note Request Form.