Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

This challenge is open to any company, entity, or individual that can effectively devise a solution to the problem. There are no formal location, industry, or past work requirements.

Can international businesses participate?


Do I need to have experience working with the public sector?


What should I include in my submission?

Your submission should include responses to all questions listed in the submission application.

The evaluation committee will review submissions and determine which solutions they will select.

The project team may reach out and request more detailed technical specifications for the solution you proposed. Details about the type of information, format, and length will be shared along with that request.

Can I propose a novel solution that hasn’t been tested before?

You may propose a solution that has not yet been tested; however, assumptions should be rigorous and provable. If the project team is interested in your solution, you will be asked to provide additional technical documentation and/or research demonstrating the outcomes that you are claiming. If you have had previous test pilots or deployments, please indicate this information on your submission application.

Where is the test corridor located?

The corridor is located on Belmont Avenue, between Rockaway Avenue and Mother Gaston Boulevard. It extends down Rockaway Avenue to Livonia Avenue.

Will I have an opportunity to meet with evaluation committee team to pitch my solution?

Depending on the number of proposals received, the project team will adjust its evaluation process and finalists may have the opportunity to pitch their idea in person or via a web conference.

Will I have access to existing City-owned infrastructure and technology?

All proposals will be carefully examined and the availability to utilize existing City-owned infrastructure and technology will be permitted after a security and operations review by the project team.

If I apply to this challenge, can I also apply to other challenges?


Will the next step be to issue an RFP to procure the best solution?

Upon selection, proposer(s) will be offered the opportunity to install their solution in the pilot corridor (depending on what is needed to demonstrate the benefits of the solution) as part of a pilot project. The project team and the proposer(s) will develop a method for evaluating the solution and, shall the evaluation prove the benefits of the solution, the sponsoring agencies may release an open solicitation to deploy a technology on a larger scale following the completion of the pilot.

Will the contents of the submission remain as my intellectual property?

Once a proposal is submitted, the sponsoring agencies will own the contents of the submission. You must clearly designate in your submission those portions of the submission, if any, that the proposer believes are trade secrets, are proprietary, or are maintained for the regulation of commercial enterprise and that, if disclosed, would cause substantial injury to the competitive position of the proposer. To the extent the law permits, the sponsoring agencies will use reasonable efforts to hold the designated portions of the submission in confidence.

Can the contents of my submission be applied without my further involvement?

This challenge provides an opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of an installation in one commercial corridor in real-life conditions. Additionally, the pilot may be followed by an open solicitation to deploy the technology on a large scale if the evaluation proves its benefits and the sponsoring agencies decide to pursue it. If the open solicitation is released, it will detail the level of involvement required.

Is there any available funding for the winning teams?

Teams who effectively identify funding needs may be eligible for funding of up to $20,000 to facilitate equipment installation and deployment of the pilot technology. The solutions that require the least invasive installation and are most cost-effective will receive preference. We also encourage teams to think creatively about financial sustainability and will consider partnerships, especially between small and large firms.

Is technology through the lab also being used for policing the neighborhood?

No. Whereas improving public safety is a priority area for Brownsville, this initiative is focused on addressing this need through enhancements to public spaces which can help activate and encourage greater use and activation of the neighborhood’s corridors.

Why not just increase police presence on Belmont?

We are exploring solutions to increase public safety in ways that do not depend on increased actions by law enforcement. Increased police presence can be a double-edged sword for many young people in Brownsville caught in a vicious cycle of interactions with the criminal justice system.
