Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)

The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is an ongoing population-based survey of NYC residents who recently gave birth, administered in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRAMS asks questions related to experiences and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy. PRAMS data are weighted to be representative of the entire population of NYC residents who give birth each year. Data are used to:

  • Inform agency priorities related to improving the health of birthing people and children
  • Identify populations at greatest risk for poor maternal, infant and reproductive health outcomes and risk factors for these outcomes in order to inform programs and policies that decrease health disparities
  • Evaluate programs and policies aimed at improving maternal and infant health
  • Investigate emerging maternal, infant and reproductive health topics and concerns

NYC PRAMS Questionnaires

NYC PRAMS Data Access

  • PRAMS Data Dashboard (New York State PRAMS): provides data tables and visualizations for more than 70 PRAMS indicators that can be stratified by maternal demographics, region (New York State, New York City, or New York State excluding New York City) and year
  • CDC Automated Research File: enables researchers to download the national PRAMS dataset for individual research projects
  • All other inquiries related to NYC PRAMS data access should be sent to


Additional Resources

  • NYC Postpartum Assessment of Health Survey (PAHS): PAHS is a research collaboration between Columbia University researchers and seven city and state departments of health, including the NYC Health Department, that administered a follow-up survey to the 2020 PRAMS sample at 12-14 months postpartum