Commanding Officer: Captain Juan Moran
Location: 2770 Frederick Douglass Boulevard, New York, NY 10039
Police Service Area 6 serves 18 New York City Housing Authority developments within the confines of the 24th, 26th, and 32nd precincts.
Police Service Area: (212) 694-7700
Crime Prevention: (212) 694-7700 - Bridgett Sanfilippo - E-mail:
Domestic Violence Officer: (212) 694-7714 - E-mail
Youth Coordination Officer: (212) 694-7721 - E-mail
Auxiliary Coordinator: (212) 694-7756
Community Affairs: (212) 694-7724
Neighborhood Coordination Officers, or NCOs, are your local problem solvers. They spend all their working hours within the confines of their assigned sectors, actively engaging with local community members and residents. They get to know the neighborhood, its people, and its problems extremely well.
Use the list below to find your NCOs. Feel free to email your officers directly, or contact your local precinct, to discuss ongoing crime or quality-of-life issues.
President: Miguel Walters (646) 241-7131 E-mail -
Treasurer: Martha Robinson
Sergeant At Arms: Wanda Joyner (212) 694-7723
Recording Secretary: Angeline Monroe-Mayo (212) 694-7723
Corresponding Secretary: Luiz Miguel Walters (212) 694-7723
Meetings: Community Council meetings typically take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at the 2770 Frederick Douglass Blvd.