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121st Precinct


Deputy Inspector Glorisel Lee

Commanding Officer: Deputy Inspector Glorisel Lee

The 121st Precinct serves the northwestern shore of Staten Island, containing Willowbrook, Westerleigh, Port Richmond, Mariner's Harbor, Elm Park, Port Ivory, Chelsea, and Bloomfield.

Crime Statistics (PDF)
Crime Statistics (Excel)

Traffic Statistics (PDF)
Traffic Statistics (Excel)

Contact Information

970 Richmond Avenue,
Staten Island, NY, 10314-1503

Precinct: (718) 697-8700
Community Affairs: (718) 697-8703
Crime Prevention: (718) 697-8758
Domestic Violence Prevention Officer: (718) 697-8800 - E-mail
Youth Coordination Officer: (718) 697-8783 - E-mail
Auxiliary Coordinator: (718) 697-8832
Detective Squad: (718) 697-8712

Get to Know Your Neighborhood Coordination Officers

Find your sector. Find your NCOs.

Neighborhood Coordination Officers, or NCOs, are your local problem solvers. They spend all their working hours within the confines of their assigned sectors, actively engaging with local community members and residents. They get to know the neighborhood, its people, and its problems extremely well.

Use the map and list below to find your sector and your NCOs. Feel free to email your officers directly, or contact your local precinct, to discuss ongoing crime or quality-of-life issues.

Community Council

President Robert Orlando

Vice President Diane Hesterhagen

Treasurer Radhakrishna Mohan

Recording Secretary Lillian Orlando

Sergeant At Arms David Coleman

Corresponding Secretary Sam Benedetto

Assistant Secretary Tashima Flowers

Meetings: Community Council meetings typically take place on the second Wednesday of each month at in the precinct.