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What is the Design Consultation?
The Design Consultation is a meeting at your home between you, your contractor and the Build It Back Design Specialists. At the Design Consultation, your contractor and the Build It Back Design Specialists will develop a list of repairs to be completed in your home. The meeting will last from two to four hours. A Build It Back Repair Customer Service Representative will call you to schedule this meeting.
What happens at the Design Consultation?
At the Design Consultation, your home will be fully inspected, you will finalize your design selections, and you will sign important construction agreements. The lead Design Specialist and your contractor will walk through every part of your home to make a detailed list of all repairs that will be completed by your contractor. The Design Specialists will work with you to review your color and style choices from the Home Design Selection Brochure. Before your contractor can begin construction, you must sign a construction agreement.
Note: If you are using the Choose Your Own Contractor option and want to customize some of your style and color choices, you will work on the designs with your own contractor. The Design Specialist will only be able to help with choices included in the Home Design Selection Brochure.
When does the Design Consultation take place?
The Design Consultation will be scheduled after you have completed an Options Review Meeting and signed an Options Selection Agreement for the Repair program.
Who attends the Design Consultation?
You, the contractor, and Build It Back Design Specialists all attend the Design Consultation. Design Specialists are professionals responsible for fully inspecting your home and developing a list of repairs. It is possible that other professionals may also attend, like an asbestos or lead inspector.
Note: Please lock away any pets larger than 30 pounds while the Design Consultation is taking place and make sure all small animals are secured.
Do I need to attend the Design Consultation or can I send someone in my place?
You must attend this meeting to in order understand the work that will be done to your home and sign all of the required agreements before construction can begin. You may bring others to the meeting, including a Communications Designee.
Note: If you have someone designated with Power of Attorney, he or she MUST be present
What is the construction agreement?
You must sign a construction agreement in order for construction to begin on your home.
If you are using a Build It Back Contractor, you will sign a Tri-Party Agreement. This agreement is between three parties: the Build It Back Program (signed by the lead Design Specialist), the Build it Back Contractor and the homeowner. View a sample Tri-Party Agreement.
If you are using the Choose Your Own Contractor option, you will sign a Home Improvement Contract. This agreement is between two parties: the selected contractor and the homeowner. View a sample Home Improvement Contract.
What does the construction agreement include?
Some important items included in both construction agreements are:
Do I have to sign the construction agreement at the Design Consultation?
Sometimes, the construction agreement will be ready to sign at the Design Consultation. If you are ready, we highly encourage you to sign the agreement at that time. If you decide not to sign the agreement, it could delay your construction start date. However, if you need more time, you can arrange to sign the agreement at a different time or location. In some cases, your contractor and Design Specialist may need additional time to finalize the list of repairs.
If you are using a Build It Back contractor, you can work with the Design Specialist to schedule another time and location to sign the Tri-Party Agreement.
If you are using your own contractor, it is not necessary to sign the Home Improvement Contract at the Design Consultation. When you are finished with your customization choices, then you will sign the Home Improvement Contract. Your contractor will then mail the Home Improvement Contract to the Build It Back Program. Please keep a copy for your records.
I changed my mind about what finishes I want for my home. Can I change the Tri-Party Agreement?
Unfortunately, once you have settled on finishes for your home and you have signed the Tri-Party Agreement, you cannot change the details of the agreement.