Local Law 37: Pesticides Used by City Agencies

Local Law 37 of 2005 amends the administrative code of the city of New York to promote the reduction of pesticide use by City agencies. Municipal agencies are now phasing out the use of certain pesticides, instituting new recordkeeping and reporting procedures, and providing prior notice to the public before many pesticide applications.

To determine whether a pesticide is prohibited under Local Law 37, visit:
Search for Product Prohibition Status

New York City Pesticide Use Reporting System : A web-based tool that records and reports pesticide applications.

Prohibition Lists

Fact Sheets

Forms and Templates

Waivers Granted

Look up waivers granted and their corresponding applications.


The following publications are in PDF format.

Pesticide Use by Agencies Report

Integrated Pest Management Report

Prohibition List Changes Reports

* No changes were made to the prohibition list in 2018.

Additional Resources