In the summer, all persons in custody are afforded both shorts and t-shirts. As of an audit conducted in May 2024, the Department had 31,000 short sleeve t-shirts and 8,200 shorts in its warehouse inventory, with recurring deliveries of shirts and shorts throughout the summer. Summer clothes were distributed the week of May 20, 2024.
Departmental staff are also encouraged to wear their summer uniforms, consisting of short sleeve shirts, in the warmer months to help them stay cool while in the jail facilities.
At least two industrial-sized fans are provided in non-air-conditioned housing units. These fans ensure air continues to circulate throughout the housing area. In addition to the fans the facilities already have in their possession, the Department currently has 183 pedestal fans in its warehouse (Additionally, 142 fans were distributed to facilities during the 2nd week of May). Ice is delivered to housing units regularly during the hottest hours of the day and every 2 hours to individuals in housing areas that do not have air-conditioning. Facilities began bagging and storing ice in May 2024 to prepare for the coming hot weather.
In anticipation of the hot weather, our Facility Maintenance and Repair Division has worked to ensure that air conditioners, ice machines, and cool showers are in good working order