Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of New York

Rule II - Applicability And Administration

Section I - Personnel Administration

2.1. (a) The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall have the power to promulgate rules and regulations relating to the personnel policies, programs and activities of city government in furtherance of and consistent with state civil service law and chapter 35 of the New York City charter.

(b) The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall have all the powers and duties of a municipal civil service commission provided in the civil service law or in any other statute or local law other than such powers and duties as are by chapter 35 of the New York City charter assigned to the mayor, the city civil service commission or the heads of agencies.

(c) The heads of agencies shall have the powers and duties of personnel management as provided for in chapter 35 of the New York City charter.

Section II - Rules

2.2. These rules shall have the force and effect of law.

Section III - Regulations

2.3. The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall have power to adopt suitable regulations to carry out the provisions of the civil service law, the New York City charter and the rules.

Section IV - General Administration And Enforcement

2.4. (a) The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall have the authority and responsibility in the administration and enforcement of the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder and shall possess the powers and duties assigned to the commissioner of citywide administrative services pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of the New York City charter.

(b) The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall prescribe directives and orders for the instruction of the staff of the department of citywide administrative services and for the execution of the rules and regulations and wherever practicable, shall prescribe forms for all applications, certifications, reports, records and returns required thereunder.

Section V - Applicability

2.5. These rules shall apply to all offices and positions in the classified service of the city including offices and positions in the New York City Housing Authority, New York City Transit Authority, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York City Board of Education, and the offices of all district attorneys and all public administrators within the City of New York.

Section VI - Rule Changes; Calender

2.6. (a) No proposed amendment, modification or addition to the rules shall be acted upon until public notice thereof shall be given in a designated newspaper for not less than three days prior to a public hearing thereon. Such notice shall set forth the proposal; but notice and public hearing shall not be necessary where the purpose of the proposed amendment, modification or addition is to conform with a change in a statute.

(b) Certified copies of all duly adopted amendments, modifications or changes of rules shall be transmitted to the offices of the secretary of state, the corporation counsel, the city clerk and to said designated newspaper for publication. Certified copies of all duly adopted regulations shall be transmitted to all of the foregoing except the office of the secretary of state.

(c) The commissioner of citywide administrative services shall cause to be published in said designated newspaper, as the commissioner of citywide administrative services may determine, those minutes of general interest or broad application appearing as items in the calendar. Copies of the entire calendar shall be maintained for public inspection at the office of the department of citywide administrative services.

(d) If one year after the date of the public hearing held to consider approval of a change of a rule of the commissioner of citywide administrative services (as provided for by section 20 of the New York State civil service law) either the commissioner of citywide administrative services or the mayor of the City of New York or the state civil service commission has not acted upon the matter, the resolution shall automatically be deemed withdrawn unless the period of consideration is extended by an official action of the commissioner of citywide administrative services.

Section VII - Non-Discrimination; Equal Opportunity

2.7. There shall be no unlawful discrimination in city employment on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, national origin or disability, and equal opportunity in employment shall be ensured and promoted in the administration of personnel.

Section VIII - Continuity And Presentation

2.8. Any resolutions, equivalency tables, terminal dates, restrictions, terms and conditions, and regulations in connection with the rules of classification in force and effect immediately prior to the effective date of these rules, shall continue to be in force and effect to the extent theretofore provided under the provisions of these rules, unless otherwise provided herein.