Language Assistance Advisory Committee

Dr. Darling Miramey - Polish

Dr. Darling J. Miramey, a seasoned educator and visionary leader, brings a wealth of expertise to the Language Assistance Advisory Committee. With a fervent dedication to community advocacy and an advanced degree in Visual Communication, Multimedia & Design, Dr. Miramey is poised to promote inclusive language initiatives. Their extensive background in education policy advisory, notably chairing the CEC3 Multilingual Expansion Working Group and CEC3 the Strategic Communication, Partnership and Community Empowerment Committee and activity in Citywide Council on English Language Learner underscores their commitment to linguistic diversity. As an Executive Director in the Creative Industries, Dr. Miramey has forged global connections, fostered collaboration and amplified diverse voices. Their multifaceted experiences and comprehensive training exemplify a steadfast commitment to equitable representation and democratic participation.