Brooklyn Community Board 6311Search all websites


With a population of 104,709 people (2010 Census figure), Brooklyn Community Board 6 is comprised of the following neighborhoods: Carroll Gardens/South Brooklyn, Cobble Hill, Columbia Waterfront, Gowanus, Park Slope and Red Hook. The neighborhoods are delineated by a combination of natural, man-made and artificial boundaries. The construction of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, the Gowanus Expressway, and the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel subdivided the geographic area once commonly known as South Brooklyn. The name South Brooklyn referred to the southern portion of the town of Brooklyn (or Breukelen), one of the six original towns that comprised Kings County when it was settled by the Dutch in the seventeenth century. Each of our neighborhoods possesses distinctive characteristics; collectively they reflect our City’s vibrant diversity.

This section is arranged by neighborhood to more precisely depict the needs and challenges facing our communities. The information contained in this statement is compiled from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, prior statements, input from annual neighborhood budget hearings, monitoring of land use and infrastructure projects, Census socioeconomic data, ongoing consultations and dialogue with municipal service providers, community-based organizations, and complaints/requests for services received from the public.