nyc golden seal on blue background
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    Coalition of Mayors Call for Immediate Federal Support as Number of New Migrant Arrivals Increases Again

    As State of Texas Increases Number of ‘Rogue’ Buses Sent to New York City, Order Will Ensure Coordination, Protect Safety of Arriving Migrants and City Staff

a symbol of star, red stripes, and a blue triangle, text reads The American Drea
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    If you are an asylum seeker interested in work or are a business owner looking for workers, click here for more information.

text on blue background, Beware of Wrong Information on Social Media and From Hu
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    Today, the city released a new flyer to combat misinformation at the border and inform asylum seekers that the city cannot continue to support the level of service it has been providing.

a yellow background with a texts said offer shelter and support asylum seekers
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    Houses of Worship & Faith-Based Organization can sign up to offer shelter and support to Asylum Seekers. Funding is available to cover basic costs.

Welcome to Office of Asylum Seekers Operations

The NYC Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) work recognizes the city’s response to the emerging asylum seekers’ migration from the border to our city. Created in March 2023, OASO is primarily responsible for overseeing and coordinating all support services for asylum seekers and their families. 

Learn more about the Office of Asylum Seekers Operations
