The New York City Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) is a team of scientists and engineers that design and operate programs to promote the cleanup and redevelopment of vacant contaminated land in NYC. Through the New York City Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), the nation’s only full service municipally-run land cleanup program, OER prepares vacant, underutilized properties for redevelopment. Over 900 properties have been remediated through OER’s programs, and in the process, over 490 acres of new developable land has been created. Currently, the office manages the cleanup of 650 active sites.
The Voluntary Cleanup Program is a catalyst for new economic growth particularly in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The VCP takes some of the most blighted properties in our most disadvantaged neighborhoods, cleans them up and enables new construction that brings new businesses, new jobs and affordable housing right where they are needed most.
OER has established the NYC Clean Soil Bank, a municipal clean soil exchange which transfers clean native soil from deep excavations at construction sites that is delivered, free of charge, to other public and private NYC development projects. Since its inception, the Clean Soil Bank has transferred over 600,000 tons of clean native soil. Most recently OER has launched the PUREsoil NYC Program which delivers clean soil at no cost to community-based organizations to build new gardens, restore existing community gardens and to improve the quality of degraded soil in NYC.
At OER, we are proud to serve the residents of New York City, to work with you in the cleanup of vacant land and make our city a safer place to live, work and play. If you have any questions, please reach me through Contact OER.
Mark McIntyre, Esq.