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State of Nightlife: LGBTQIA+ Past, Present & Future

On May 30, 2019, the NYC Office of Nightlife hosted a "State of Nightlife: LGBTQIA+ Past, Present & Future" panel as part of the 2019 World Pride celebrations. For many in the LGBTQIA+ community, New York City’s nightlife provides a safe space for expression and serves as a place to find community for people from all over the world. This panel addressed how the nightlife scene can better provide safe spaces that emphasize harm reduction, while promoting inclusivity and celebrating diversity. The panel also addressed how New York’s nightlife can contribute to the ongoing fight for social justice and equality for LGBTQIA+ people here and around the world.

The panel was hosted by NYC Office of Nightlife, Executive Director, Ariel Palitz; Moderator: Michael Musto; Panelist: Kevin Aviance, DJ Mary Mac, Frankie Sharp, Ty Sunderland, Daphne Always, Brenda Breathnach.