New Yorkers only have until January 4 to apply for FEMA relief from Hurricane Ida.
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If you applied and did not receive the full amount you need, you have 60 days to appeal the decision.
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New York City experienced widespread flash flooding through Wednesday, September 1, into early Thursday morning. According to the National Weather Service, Central Park broke its all-time 1-hour rainfall rate with 3.15 inches of rain recorded between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Wednesday. Central Park also received 7.19 inches of rain by Thursday morning, making it the fifth-largest daily rainfall in the past 150 years. It also marked the first time the National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Emergency for New York City. New York City declared a local state of emergency due to the weather.
The storm was unlike anything New York City has ever faced. Our City mourns the loss of at least 13 New Yorkers who tragically lost their lives during this storm.
President Biden has approved an expedited Major Disaster Declaration that helped to provide federal financial relief for New Yorkers recovering from the flooding damage caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida. The counties covered by the declaration include: Bronx, Queens, Kings (Brooklyn), and Richmond (Staten Island).
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