Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs311Search all websites

About MOIA

The NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) work recognizes that immigrant New Yorkers and their children make up a significant proportion of the City's population.  

Our charter-mandated responsibilities include advising and assisting the mayor, council, and other agencies on programs and policies related to and designed for immigrant New Yorkers; tracking state and federal policy and law that will impact immigrant New Yorkers; increasing access to city programs, benefits, and services by conducting outreach; and helping advise on the legal service needs of immigrants.  

MOIA is also required to consult with the community and other stakeholders and coordinate an interagency task force on immigrant affairs. MOIA is also tasked to work with the relevant city agencies to address the needs of immigrant crime victims and witnesses, including by working with agencies on the issuance of U visa certifications and T visa declarations.