Be Counted

The Trump Administration attempted to shorten the census by 30 days, meaning that our communities, particularly those most at risk of being undercounted, run the risk of losing out on the representation and funding they deserve. A court order has extended the census to October 31, but an appeal could result in the census ending sooner. It is critical that New Yorkers complete their census as soon as possible to avoid an incomplete count. See our Frequently Asked Questions: Census Takers webpage for more details.

We need your help to spread the word. Please share the below posts to your social media channels to keep New Yorkers informed that they must fill out the census as soon as possible or our city will lose out on billions of dollars in federal funding for health care, schools, roads, hospitals, and more. An undercount could also mean New York will lose two seats in Congress. Too much is at stake for us to be undercounted.


Your family counts! The census is about the future of our families. If we don't fill it out, it's like we don't exist. Fill out the census before September 30:
Why does the census matter? Because NYC has lost 20 hospitals in 20 years. Fill out the census before September 30 so we have the health care we need.
Why does the census matter? Because New York has lost 40% of its seats in Congress in 70 years. Fill out the census before September 30 so we keep the power that is rightfully ours.

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Sample Posts

Census takers are here to help — but if you fill out the #2020Census online now at you can avoid a knock at your door. Fill it out now! #GetCountedNYC

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Census takers! They’re coming around door-to-door now. Avoid a knock at your door by filling it out online at Takes just a few minutes. #GetCountedNYC

Were you forced to leave NYC due to COVID-19? Fill out your #2020Census form using your NYC address: #GetCountedNYC

Home is where the heart is. ♥️ If you had to relocate due to the Coronavirus, be sure to use your NYC home address on the census. Funding for your community for the next decade depends on it. #GetCountedNYC