NYC Census Week of Action
NYC Census #GetCountedNYC Week of Action: Citywide Mobilization
Monday, July 27 – Saturday, August 1, 2020
Join NYC Census 2020 and partners for a Census Week of Action to get all New Yorkers counted in the 2020 Census at
Just over 53% of New York City households have responded to the census, meaning New York City stands to potentially lose billions for critical programs and political representation in Congress and in Albany.
Sign up now to assist with phone-banking, peer-to-peer texting, social media activation, as well as in-person outreach at parks, playgrounds, transit hubs, beaches, and more. NYC Census 2020 will provide masks and gloves to all those engaged in direct outreach.
Week of Action Schedule
Monday, July 27: Social Media Day of Action
- All New Yorkers will be asked to share key social media images and posts, reminding New Yorkers to complete the census, using the hashtag #GetCountedNYC
Tuesday, July 28: Partner-led community events citywide
- NYC Census’ partners will lead events citywide; list will be made available on this page on July 26.
Wednesday, July 29: Citywide Day of Action I
- In-person outreach at transit hubs, parks, playgrounds, small business corridors, and other key public areas in areas with historically low self-response rates. PPE will be provided.
Thursday, July 30: “Friends and Family” Day
- New Yorkers will be asked to call or text 10 family members to remind them to complete the census.
Friday, July 31: “Text Out the Count”
- Using the peer-to-peer texting platform Hustle, individuals can reach tens of thousands of their fellow New Yorkers to remind them to complete the census and answer key questions about the census.
Saturday, August 1: Citywide Day of Action II
- In-person outreach at very high-traffic locations across the city.
Sign Up Now
- Sign up here to make phone calls to New Yorkers to remind them to complete the census. We’ll get you set up using our “predictive dialer” which will actually dial numbers for you and help you reach more people. We will be making phone calls Monday - Friday to low self-response neighborhoods in each borough.
- Sign up here to join our Friends and Family Day of Action on Thursday, July 30th. We’re asking everyone to set aside an hour or two that day to call or text 10 friends and family members in New York City to remind them to complete the census.
- Sign up here to join to distribute flyers and assist New Yorkers in completing the census on the spot at locations throughout the five boroughs on Wednesday, July 29th and Saturday, August 1st.
- Sign up here to join our “Text Out the Count” mobilization on Friday, July 31st. Using the peer to peer texting tool Hustle, you can reach hundreds of New Yorkers per hour with a text to their phone -- and your cell phone number is not disclosed. Note: There is a lot of interest in peer to peer texting -- please sign-up by the end of the day Wednesday to secure your spot
The Census
The census, which takes place only once every 10 years, is a count of every person in the country, and determines money, power, and respect for New York City. Because of this, the census will also determine the strength of New York City’s recovery from COVID-19.
- Money: New York City’s fair share of $1.5 trillion in federal funds for schools, hospitals, healthcare, job training, affordable housing, transportation, and more.
- Power: The census determines how many seats New York City has in Congress and in Albany. New York could lose up to two congressional seats as a result of an undercount in the census.
- Respect: The only way to demonstrate the true strength, diversity, and breadth of our many different communities is by being counted in the census. If we’re not counted, it’s as if we are invisible, meanings decisions about us are made without us.
The census is easy, safe, and for everyone.
- Easy: 10 questions in 10 minutes, available online at or by phone: 844-330-2020.
- Safe: By law, all census responses are strictly confidential and cannot be share with anyone – not with immigration authorities, tax authorities, the police, landlords, or even the City of New York.
- For everyone: No questions about immigration, citizenship, income, criminal history, taxes, or Social Security information.