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Mayor Adams, Comptroller Lander Bring Transparency and Accountability Into Capital Process With City's First Comprehensive Capital Projects Tracker

November 1, 2023

Launch of Tracker Fulfills Key Recommendation of Mayor Adams’ Capital Process Reform Task Force 

Capital Projects Tracker, Mandated by Local Law 37 of 2020 Allows Users to View Status and Budget of All Capital Projects From Major Agencies 

NEW YORK – New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Comptroller Brad Lander today announced the launch of a new capital projects tracker that will serve as a public dashboard that brings radical transparency to the city’s capital spending. For the first time ever, the city will publish a user-friendly tracker that details all projects from major capital agencies. The tracker delivers on one of the key recommendations put forth by the Capital Process Reform Task Force, convened by Mayor Adams in April 2022. 
“I’m a strong believer that if you don’t inspect what you expect, it’s all suspect. With the launch of the capital projects tracker, we’re allowing New Yorkers to inspect what they expect from public infrastructure projects,” said Mayor Adams. “This tool is more than just data — it’s a testament to our dedication to serving the public with integrity, clarity, and innovation. As we continue to invest in our city’s infrastructure, it’s paramount that our residents have full visibility and trust in our processes.” 

“For over a decade, I’ve been pushing for a comprehensive capital projects tracker to provide public transparency and support managerial improvements to help get New York City’s schools, parks, bridges and roads, resiliency, and other infrastructure projects built on-time and on-budget. I’m thrilled that it has finally arrived,” said Comptroller Lander. “I am thankful to Mayor Adams and his team for delivering the capital projects tracker and for their broader partnership in prioritizing infrastructure and capital process reform. Better capital projects delivery will help to save the city money, create good jobs, nurture flourishing neighborhoods, support a thriving economy, and build a resilient future in the face of climate change.” 

“New Yorkers deserve to know how their government is serving them — and that starts with delivering on transparency,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “This new tracker fulfills promises laid out by this administration’s Capital Process Task Force to finally remove the veil covering capital spending. All of this was made possible through the power of breaking down siloes, removing red tape, and bringing together a cross-government approach to bring long-deserved visibility to New Yorkers.” 

“New Yorkers deserve to know how our government is investing in our city’s infrastructure,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. “Insight into construction progress at schools, parks, public space, water treatment facilities, sewers, roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure is essential for public accountability — accountability that is even more important as New York City is investing billions of dollars in transformative infrastructure that will protect our city from climate change, delivering high-quality green and public space. This capital projects tracker is another way we’re innovating to get these critical projects done, so New Yorkers can enjoy their benefits.” 

“The only way to manage the city's vast infrastructure portfolio is through high-quality data,” said Director of the Mayor’s Office of Operations Dan Steinberg. “The capital projects tracker is not just an online tool — it’s an open door for New Yorkers to see how their city evolves and adapts, brick by brick, and to hold their government accountable for the timely delivery of crucial infrastructure projects at every scale.” 

The capital projects tracker — mandated by Local Law 37, and which was sponsored by then-New York City Councilmember Lander — provides a detailed view into the city’s construction projects, spanning critical infrastructure such as bridges, sewers, sanitation, and parks. The tracker merges schedule information from agency project management systems with budget information in the city’s Financial Management System. The tracker includes the total cost, current phase, and projected completion date projects, as well as additional details for all construction. In providing greater public insight into the status of capital projects, the tracker will help improve the overall capital process, which hinges on the availability of high-quality data throughout the project lifecycle.  
The task force is comprised of leaders from the construction industry, labor, and minority- and women-owned business enterprises, along with city agencies and the Comptroller’s Office. The group was tasked with undertaking a top-down review of the city’s capital process and recommending reforms, from project initiation to closeout. Earlier this year, the task force released a slate of 39 recommendations to cut years off the process for delivering public works — helping to save valuable taxpayer dollars in the process and increasing public participation.  In spring 2022, in partnership with elected officials in Albany, the task force delivered on much of its state legislative agenda, and expects to continue work on the remainder of the agenda during this coming session. 

Additionally, the Adams administration outlined an ambitious set of future enhancements to the dashboard that further strengthen its commitment to transparency and accountability.  

Future improvements to the tracker will include:  

  •   Refining the website design to improve the user experience;  
  • Adding an interactive map showcasing detailed mapping and geocoding for each project; and  

Implementing a comprehensive system of project classifications, enabling New Yorkers to filter projects based on criteria like infrastructure type and climate or environmental priority.  

"It has been an honor for AECOM to be a part of this auspicious group, working together to support our industry and to build back New York stronger than ever,” said Ali Chaudhry, chief of development and government relations, AECOM. “We commend Mayor Adams for his leadership and vision, as well as our partners in Albany and New York City whose support made this possible.”   

“Full transparency throughout the project lifecycle will benefit all stakeholders, including the public, to understand the overall impact of a construction project on the daily lives of all New York City residents,” said Michael A. Capasso, CEO and president, C.A.C. Industries, Inc."  

“We commend Mayor Adams and Deputy Mayor Meera Joshi’s efforts to improve transparency in the capital procurement process in New York City,” said John Evers, president and CEO, American Council of Engineering Companies of New York. “By establishing a public capital projects tracker, City Hall will help hold public agencies and the private sector accountable to ensure all parties work together to complete capital projects in a timely matter.”  

“This tracker is a major step forward for all those who interact with the city on capital projects, and for the public to gain a better understanding of the scope and breadth of the city’s capital program,” said Shari C. Hyman, vice president of public affairs, Turner Construction Company. “Many thanks to the Adams administration and the Comptroller for continuing to implement the recommendations of our Capital Process Reform Taskforce.”    

“The Capital Projects Tracker will play a key role in creating much-needed transparency in the Capital Process and help to further expedite the ongoing critical infrastructure projects that our tradesmen and tradeswomen are working on,” said Gary LaBarbera, president, Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York. “Building up public trust and increased accountability promotes further approval and funding for more crucial projects that will create thousands of additional good-paying careers for hardworking New Yorkers and much-needed economic stimulus in our communities. We applaud Mayor Adams and Comptroller Lander for spearheading this initiative that will help strengthen our construction industry and promote further improvements throughout our city.”   

“AIA New York applauds Mayor Adams and Comptroller Lander for the launch of the new capital projects tracker, checking yet another accomplishment off the Capital Process Reform Task Force’s list of recommendations,” said Jesse Lazar, executive director, American Institute of Architects New York. “This tracker will be an effective and useful tool for the public to improve transparency and accountability of the city’s capital spending and the status of capital projects.”   

“Implementing the recommendations of the city’s Capital Reform Task force will transform the way the city delivers capital projects,” said Arthur Rubinstein, president, Skyline Steel Corp., and chair, Subcontractors Trade Association Legislative Committee. “STA is excited to see the Administration move forward with the implementation of a user-friendly capital projects tracker, as supported by the Capital Reform Task Force. STA takes pride in our partnership with Mayor Adams and his team through the task force to improve the delivery of capital projects and to create a more transparent construction process.”  

“Our members are over the moon that there will now be a one-stop shopping experience for city capital projects with the launch of a long-overdue tracker,” said Carlo A. Scissura, president and CEO, New York Building Congress. “At a glance, every New Yorker can now see high-quality data, scheduling, and finance information for projects citywide. We thank the mayor, comptroller, and Capital Process Reform Task Force for enabling this new era of transparency and efficiency, ensuring the streamlining of critical infrastructure projects.”

“The city’s new capital projects tracker is a significant step toward ensuring that critical construction projects are delivered on time — and in a cost-effective, efficient manner,” said Alaina Gilligo, vice president of operations and administration, Baruch College. “It has been an honor to work with the Capital Reform Task Force, Mayor Adams, and city leaders in this effort to make the capital process more transparent and more accountable, augmenting the City’s commitment to inclusive economic growth that benefits all New Yorkers.”   

“Overall, the comprehensive New York City capital tracker will provide transparency and public awareness,” said Samuel Padilla, president, Padilla Construction Services, and treasurer, National Hispanic Business Group. “It will enhance agency coordination and promote financial responsibility, thereby supporting the city's overall Capital Reform development goals.”  

“In the bustling city that never sleeps, transparency has awakened,” said New York State Senator Robert Jackson. “With New York City's new capital projects tracker now launched, accountability is on full display. I commend Mayor Eric Adams, Comptroller Brad Lander, and the Capital Process Reform Task Force for their efforts in boosting transparency and accountability.” 

“Transparency is essential for good government that truly serves the people,” said New York State Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar. “Mayor Adams’ new capital projects tracker is a user-friendly platform that will provide New Yorkers with unprecedented insight into how the city spends 17 billion of our tax dollars. The tracker is an integral part of the Capital Process Reform Task Force’s recommendations that will make our capital spending the most cost effective and efficient in history, with increased opportunities for M/WBEs. I have proudly partnered with the mayor on capital spending reforms, helping pass bills to increase the M/WBE discretionary purchase threshold and implement community hiring. Working together, we will ensure New Yorkers’ tax dollars work for them better than ever before.”   

“Transparency isn't just a word, it's a commitment to our citizens who trust us to invest their tax dollars in capital projects that will improve our infrastructure,” said New York State Assemblymember Stefani Zinerman. “Today, we launch the Capital Projects Tracker so that every resident can see where every dollar goes. This is a big win for transparency, trust, and accountability in action.”

“This is a very worthwhile concept and should allow anyone to understand the status of any capital project,” said Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella. “Residents and business owners often wonder whether projects are never ending or behind schedule. This should bring some clarity to many.” 

“Today`s announcement is a significant step forward toward increasing accessibility and transparency for the capital project process in our city," said Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson. “I want to thank Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, and the mayor’s Capital Process Reform Task Force for their work on this initiative to reform the capital project process that will hopefully lead to greater oversight and accountability.”

“Transparency and accountability are foundational to good governance,” said Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso. “I’m grateful to Mayor Adams, Comptroller Lander, and the Capital Process Reform Task Force for advancing this dashboard that will allow New Yorkers to keep tabs on our city’s capital spending and the progress of essential capital projects.” 

“This tracker will go a long way towards improving transparency in this city and will allow New Yorkers to see how and where their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent,” said New York City Councilmember Joann Ariola. “As it is now, capital projects are often extremely hard to track down, and many of them seem to be stalled indefinitely without any progress updates. This will help to alleviate this and will allow both the public and their representatives to better monitor the projects that are important to them.” 

“Capital funds are essential for New Yorkers, but we've often been left in the dark about where they're going and why they cost so much,” said New York City Councilmember Robert Holden. “The new public tracker is a big step in the right direction! Now, let's focus on making these projects more affordable and timely. Hats off to Mayor Adams and Comptroller Lander for leading the way!”

“I’m so grateful to have grown up on the Lower East Side, in diverse communities rich with expression and cultural heritage,” said New York City Councilmember Carlina Rivera. “A healthy ecosystem of arts organizations underpins the vibrancy and allure of New York City, and investments in cultural groups pays dividends. Manhattan is full of world-class institutions, and I join in celebrating these capital commitments that bolster the wellbeing of our neighborhoods.” 

“Capital projects are essential to the infrastructure and future of our neighborhoods,” said New York City Councilmember Lynn Schulman. “Having a tracker for these projects is essential to ensure their timely and successful completion, and enable New Yorkers to easily monitor the projects in their communities. Thank you to Mayor Eric Adams and Comptroller Brad Lander for making this initiative a reality.” 

“Transparency is such a key component to governance, at all levels of government,” said New York City Councilmember Marjorie Velázquez. “As taxpayers, we want to know where our money is going, where it is being invested, and that it is being used as it is supposed to be used. I want to thank New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, and the Mayor’s Capital Process Reform Task Force for working together to develop this innovative and forward-thinking capital projects tracker that is emblematic of what we can get done when we work in partnership at all levels of government.” 

“The launch of the tracker is an important step to eliminating the delays and cost overruns that have been maddeningly common on city capital projects for too long,” Jonathan Bowles, executive director, Center for an Urban Future. “It will bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the process, enabling the city’s limited capital dollars to stretch farther. I commend Mayor Adams, Comptroller Lander, and the Task Force for moving this forward.” 

“Regional Plan Association commends Mayor Adams, Comptroller Lander and the mayor's Capital Process Reform Task Force for delivering this much-needed reform,” said Tom Wright, president and CEO, Regional Plan Association. “The Capital Project Tracker will provide transparency by establishing a single public online database that shares schedules, costs, current project phases and other information. The tracker can also be used to unify and improve data systems to enable a much more thorough analysis of project delivery across agencies and facilitate continuous improvements. With this important step, the mayor and his team are demonstrating their commitment to improving quality of life and delivering important projects for future generations of New Yorkers.”   


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