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Mayor Adams Appoints Scott French as Human Resources Administration Administrator

October 30, 2023

HRA Administrator Lisa Fitzpatrick Retires After Nearly Four Decades of Dedicated Public Service

NEW YORK – New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the appointment of Scott French as the next administrator of the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA). Following more than a year as chief strategy officer at the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS), and nearly a decade of work in various critical roles at the agency, French will oversee HRA and lead the administration’s work strengthening the city’s social safety net for New Yorkers in need.

As part of DSS, HRA assists more than 3 million low‐income and vulnerable New Yorkers annually through more than 14 major public benefits programs. French will assume the administrator role from Lisa Fitzpatrick, who is retiring after nearly four decades of dedicated public service in city government.

“From housing and child care to food and transportation assistance, the New York City Human Resources Administration plays a key role ensuring millions of New Yorkers can support themselves and their families,” said Mayor Adams. “Scott French has dedicated his career to supporting the most vulnerable New Yorkers, he understands the importance of continuing to strengthen our city’s social safety net, and he has the experience and expertise to deliver. I also want to extend my gratitude to former HRA Administrator Lisa Fitzpatrick for her nearly four decades of dedicated public service on behalf of New Yorkers.”

“Each and every day, city employees at HRA help deliver critical services and supports to New Yorkers,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom. “Scott French has been a part of this work for decades and brings significant administrative expertise to now lead HRA. He steps into this role in the midst of exciting changes and is well positioned to leverage technology better and streamline processes to deliver for our clients. I look forward to continuing to work with Scott and the whole team at HRA.”

 “Over the course of nearly a decade of public service at DSS, Scott French has demonstrated exemplary leadership and an unwavering commitment to furthering the agency’s mission, especially during periods of unprecedented crises, including the ongoing asylum seeker crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic before that,” said DSS Commissioner Molly Wasow Park. “We look forward to greatly benefitting from his invaluable experience and expertise in his new role as administrator of HRA, as we continue to work to implement innovative anti-poverty initiatives, strengthen our delivery of services, and expand access to critical benefits for New Yorkers in need. I also want to thank and congratulate Lisa Fitzpatrick for her incredible tenure in city government. She will be greatly missed, and we wish her good health and success in this new chapter of her life.”

“The Human Resources Administration is essential to addressing poverty in the city and ensuring vital connections to robust social safety net supports for more than 3 million New Yorkers in need,” said HRA Administrator Scott French. “I am incredibly honored for the opportunity to lead this critical mission for the city, while working with a team of exceptional public servants and frontline staffers, who have consistently stepped up in times of crisis and despite unprecedented challenges, to ensure that vulnerable New Yorkers have access to the critical supports they need and deserve. I am grateful to Mayor Adams for this opportunity and look forward to working closely with Commissioner Park as we continue to identify new solutions and initiatives to help build an even more inclusive and affordable city for all New Yorkers.”

“Scott French has a proven track record of management accomplishments and implementing reforms to enhance services for clients and support front-line staff,” said former DSS Commissioner Steven Banks. “He is the right person for this job at this critical moment, and I applaud the mayor, the deputy mayor, and the commissioner for selecting him.”

“On behalf of United Way of New York City, I would like to congratulate Administrator French on his appointment.  The Human Resources Administration is a is a safety net of complex benefits and services crucial for our most vulnerable New Yorkers, I am confident that Administrator French’s experience is what the agency and New Yorkers need at this pivotal time in our city, “ said Grace Bonilla, president and CEO, United Way of New York City; and former HRA administrator, “We look forward to working with Administrator French as the city addresses some of our most complex challenges.”

“Scott French brings not just years of experience and demonstrated knowledge of city government to his role as HRA administrator, but also a deep commitment to improving the lives of New Yorkers,” said Molly Murphy, chief program officer, Education Alliance; former DSS first deputy commissioner. “He leads with compassion and respect for both clients and staff, and has repeatedly proven his ability to navigate challenging and novel situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring continued access to services for low-income individuals and families. Scott is insightful, creative, dedicated, and mission-driven, and as HRA administrator, will continue to use his extraordinary talents to address poverty and strengthen the provision of social services.”

“The Human Resources Administration is central in the fight against poverty in New York City, and Robin Hood looks forward to working with Scott French as he takes on the leadership for vitally important services as HRA’s administrator,” said Matt Klein, chief program and impact officer, Robin Hood. “During our time together in New York City government, I saw Scott bring strategic thinking, innovative ideas and a deep dedication to the wellbeing of New Yorkers in his prior roles at the Department of Social Services, and I am confident his mission-driven approach will serve the agency and its clients well. I know Scott believes in delivering high quality, responsive support to New Yorkers when they need it most, and we look forward to collaborating on the important work ahead.”

About Scott French

Scott French has served as chief strategy officer at DSS, overseeing key departmental executive leadership and staff, developing and implementing strategic external engagement strategies, and leading communications with City Hall and agency partners on critical interagency initiatives and projects, including the ongoing asylum seeker response effort.

French previously served in various critical roles within DSS, including as chief of staff; chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer; and director of the project management office. In his prior roles at the agency, French played a vital role in leading the integration of the HRA and the New York City Department of Homeless Services under DSS, ensuring the deployment of an effective emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic and furthering agency priorities to transform the shelter system, expanding and strengthening access to vital agency supports for New Yorkers in need, and improving overall social service delivery.

Before joining DSS in 2014, French served in key leadership roles at Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE). During his time at SAGE, he managed the institutional giving portfolio, ensured effective oversight of the organization’s comprehensive LGBTQ+ caregiver support program, and managed the overall strategic planning and implementation of The SAGE Center, the nation’s first governmentally funded senior center for LGBTQ+ older adults.

French received a B.A. from George Washington University. He also holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Southern California and a Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University.

French will report to DSS Commissioner Park.


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