Under Local Law 87 (LL87), the owner of a covered building must file an energy efficiency report (EER) by December 31st of the calendar year the report is due, and every tenth calendar year thereafter. The EER consists of Professional Certification Forms and Data Collection Tools which must be filed electronically with the Department of Buildings (DOB).
Professional Certification Forms
A Professional Certification Form provides information on the filing status of a building; the audit and retro-commissioning teams' structure, professional seal, and qualifications; whether a building was exempted from conducting an audit and/or retro-commissioning; and the building owner's statement of compliance. A Professional Certification Form must be completed for both Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning Data Collection Tools. For more information, review the "Apply to Become an Energy Auditor" section on DOB's LL87 web page.
Energy Auditor/Retro-Commissioning Agent Registration Form (EARCX1) (in PDF)
Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning Data Collection Tools
The Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning Data Collection Tools are both in an Excel spreadsheet format.
The Energy Audit Data Collection Tool includes the following worksheets:
- Introduction (instructions to fill out the tool)
- Submittal Information
- Team Information
- Building Information
- Equipment Inventory
- Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)
- End Use Breakdown
Click to download the Energy Audit Data Collection Tool (in Excel). A sample completed form is available here (in Excel).
The Retro-commissioning Data Collection Tool includes the following worksheets:
- Introduction (instructions to fill out the tool)
- Submittal Information
- Team Information
- Building Information
- Retro-commissioning Measures
Click to download the Retro-commissioning Data Collection Tool (in Excel). A sample completed form is available here (in Excel).
Other LL87 Audits & Retro-commissioning Links
LL87 Home
About LL87
Covered Buildings (Buildings Required to Audit and Retro-commission)
How to Comply
Where to Get Help
Outreach and Training