Cycling in the City

Cycling in the City provides a comprehensive look into cycling trends in our city.

NYC DOT uses data from local and national surveys to determine how frequently New Yorkers ride bicycles, and how that frequency changes over time.

As of October 2022, this is available as a series of interactive graphs.


Pie chart showing results for people who never or a physically unable to ride bikes (72% or 4,797,000 respondents) and those who have ridden a bike at least once (28% or 1,828,000 respondents). Of the latter, 812,000 ride bikes a few times a year, 254,000 at least once a month and 762,000 at least several times a month.
Percent of Adult New Yorkers who Ride a Bike

Trends Over Time

Source: United States Decennial Census’ American Community Survey

Bike Commuters (to work) by Borough

This graph displays the annual growth of commuters who bike in NYC.

+64% Growth
in daily cycling between 2013 and 2023
+16% Growth
in daily cycling between 2018 and 2023

Male and Female Bike Commuters (to work)

This graph displays the annual growth of male and female commuters who bike in NYC.

Ten Year Average Annual Growth Rate of Female Commuter Cycling

Estimates of Daily Cycling Activity by Year

This table displays daily bike commuters in NYC.

Bike Commuters (to work) Bike Commute Trips (to work) Total Daily Cycling Trips Total Annual Cycling Trips (in millions)
2008 23,500 47,000 240,000 87.6
2009 24,400 48,800 240,000 87.6
2010 25,000 50,000 250,000 91.3
2011 26,900 53,800 270,000 98.6
2012 31,500 63,000 320,000 116.8
2013 37,600 75,200 380,000 138.7
2014 41,800 83,600 420,000 153.3
2015 45,000 90,000 450,000 164.3
2016 45,800 91,600 460,000 167.9
2017 48,800 97,600 490,000 178.9
2018 50,900 101,800 510,000 186.2
2019 52,700 105,400 530,000 193.5
2021 55,000 110,000 550,000 200.8
2022 61,200 122,400 610,000 222.7
2023 61,600 123,200 620,000 226.3

Archive of Cycling in the City Reports

Cycling in the City - 2021 (pdf) Cycling in the City - 2020 (pdf) Cycling in the City - 2019 (pdf) Cycling in the City - 2018 (pdf) Cycling in the City - January 2017 (pdf) Cycling in the City - May 2016 (pdf) Cycling in the City - March 2013 (pdf)