Neighborhood Financial Health (NFH) Indexes

The NFH Indexes represent five goals that each reflect a different aspect of the financial health of neighborhoods:

  1. Access to affordable, high-quality financial services
  2. Access to affordable, high-quality goods and services
  3. Access to quality jobs and income supports
  4. Stable housing and capacity to limit financial shocks
  5. Opportunities to build assets and plan for the future


The map displays the five NFH Indexes and an overall assessment of NFH advantages and vulnerabilities. Each index (i.e., Goal 1 to 5 layer selection on the map):

  • Draws on six to eight neighborhood financial health indicators to measure the specific goal.
  • Scores each neighborhood’s indicator outcomes relative to all other neighborhoods on a scale from 0 (lowest possible score) to 10 (highest possible score).

The map layer displaying overall NFH advantages and vulnerabilities highlights those neighborhoods that consistently rank among the top or bottom of the five different indexes. A demographic layer allows users to see how race and ethnicity intersect with neighborhood financial health.


This tool is part of the Collaborative for Neighborhood Financial Health project, which developed the underlying goals and associated indicators to explore how neighborhoods help and hinder the financial health of residents. The tool shows data for the years 2018 and 2021. The update period is three years due to data availability to refine indicator measures.

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