Types of Collection

Although we do not provide businesses with collection services, they still must comply with DSNY rules and regulations. Businesses must hire a private carter or register with the Business Integrity Commission (BIC) to become a “Self-Hauler”. 

Businesses should consult with their private carters to determine a plan for collecting recyclables that works for the business, follows DSNY rules and complies with one of the following types of recycling: source-separated collection, co-collection, or single-stream collection.

Important: It is illegal for recyclable material to be collected in the same bag with trash or be placed in the same compartment of a truck or container with trash.

Source-Separated Recycling

Source-separated recycling requires businesses to separate waste into two "streams" (groups). 

  • Metal, glass, plastic, and beverage cartons
  • Paper and cardboard

The two streams must be kept separate from trash at all times. 

If customers/staff place all recycling into one bin during normal business operations, staff must then separate and sort the material into the two streams, store them separately, and set out for collection in separate bins. 

The private carter is then required to collect each stream in a separate truck or place them in separate compartments of a truck. Trash must be collected by a separate truck from recycling.

Businesses that are source-separating recycling are required to post an official BIC decal with the name and license number of the private carter, and must indicate the types of recyclables being collected.


Co-collection allows private carters to collect source-separated recycling in one truck. Trash must be collected in a separate truck or in a compartment separate from recyclables. Businesses using a private carter authorized for co-collection of recyclables must source-separate their recycling (see above) and set recycling streams out for collection in separate bins/bags. Cardboard can be baled/bundled. 

Businesses are required to post an official BIC decal indicating that co-collection is used and including the name and license number of the private carter that is authorized to co-collect recyclables.

Single-Stream Recycling

Single-stream recycling allows businesses to collect, store, and set out all recyclable material (metal, glass, plastic, beverage cartons, paper and cardboard) together in the same bin/bag. 

Recyclables must still be kept separate from trash at all times. 

Private carters that are authorized to collect single-stream recycling can collect recyclables in one truck-- separate from trash. Carters must deliver the materials directly to a recycling facility capable of receiving, separating and processing commingled recyclables.

Businesses utilizing single-stream recycling are required to post an official BIC decal indicating that single-stream is used and include the name and license number of the private carter that is authorized to collect single-stream recyclables.

Find private carters authorized for co-collection or single-stream recycling.