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Employer Services

NYC Business Link is a no-fee employment service operated by New York City's Human Resources Administration for individuals receiving public assistance. Business Link offers, wage-subsidy reimbursement to all employers interested in hiring Cash Assistance (CA) recipients. We utilize all services on site to work with employers in facilitating pre-screening, interviewing, customized recruitment, testing, etc. 

The many employers who have utilized our services have found us to be a cost-effective and time-effective recruitment resource. We have succeeded in helping employers match individuals with a variety of positions/fields such as home health aide, secretarial/clerical, tellers, driver/helper, delivery, stock/warehouse, customer service, mailroom, security, system administrator, parking attendant, maintenance/janitorial, construction, data entry, receptionist, management, administrative assistant, cashier, sales, and food service. We look forward to assisting your company with its employment needs.


>Learn about hiring incentives
>Contact NYC Business Link to learn how to sign up for Employer Services 

Information Submission Form
Please provide information for the contact person at your company who will be primarily responsible for coordinating with Business Link to fulfill hiring obligations on your contract.

* - indicates required fields

Please provide information about your company and the contract.


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