Compost Givebacks

You give us your yard waste and food scraps, and we turn it into compost — then give it back.


NYC residents are eligible to receive free compost made in New York at one of our Compost Giveback Events.

Registration is required. Limit ONE ticket per person. If carpooling, each person must bring their ticket and present ID showing a distinct address.

NOTE: This is for NYC residents ONLY, not businesses. Commercial vehicles will not be serviced.

Staten Island Compost Facility

600 West Service Road, Staten Island, NY 10314

Brooklyn and Queens

Priority will be given to Brooklyn and Queens residents.

Register (choose one date):

Nonprofit Organizations

Community gardens, nonprofits & city agencies can request an appointment to pick up bulk compost or to have pallets of bagged compost delivered to their location for free.

NOTE: No commercial requests.

Bagged only

We are excited to deliver bagged compost to 200 eligible groups this spring. We are no longer taking requests for bagged compost delivery at this time.

Bulk only

Request an appointment to pick up bulk compost.