Riverside Center- Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

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On October 15, 2010, the New York City Department of City Planning, on behalf of the City Planning Commission as lead agency, issued a PDF Document Notice of Completion for a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Final SEIS) for the Riverside Center project.

A public hearing on the Draft SEIS was held on Wednesday, September 15, 2010. Comments were accepted at the hearing and for ten days following the hearing until Monday, September 27, 2010. The Final SEIS incorporates responses to the public comments received on the Draft SEIS and additional analysis conducted subsequent to the completion of the Draft SEIS.

Subsequent to the issuance of the Draft SEIS, the project sponsor has proposed additional actions that would apply the Inclusionary Housing Program to the Proposed Project.  A technical memorandum assessing whether the additional actions would alter the conclusions presented in the Draft SEIS and whether the revised methodologies contained in the 2010 New York City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Technical Manual (effective May 17, 2010) would change the results of the Draft SEIS analyses or conclusions was conducted and is available through the link below.  The analyses presented in the technical memorandum has been incorporated into the Final SEIS.

PDF Document The files below are in PDF format.

Cover Page (0.3mb)
Table of Contents (0.09mb)
Foreword (0.02mb)
Executive Summary* (2.30mb)
Chapter 1 – Project Description (3.54mb)
Chapter 2 – Land Use, Zoning & Public Policy (2.30mb)
Chapter 3 – Socioeconomic Conditions (0.7mb)
Chapter 4 – Community Facilities and Services (1.00mb)
Chapter 5 – Open Space (1.12mb)
Chapter 6 – Shadows (7.66mb)
Chapter 7 – Historical Resources (1.29mb)
Chapter 8 – Urban Design & Visual Resources (6.35mb)
Chapter 9 – Neighborhood Character (0.18mb)
Chapter 10 – Natural Resources (1.34mb)
Chapter 11 – Hazardous Material (0.85mb)
Chapter 12 – Waterfront Revitalization Program (0.39mb)
Chapter 13 – Infrastructure (0.1mb)
Chapter 14 – Solid Waste and Sanitation Services (0.07mb)
Chapter 15 – Energy (0.06mb)
Chapter 16 – Traffic and Parking (5.03mb)
Chapter 17 – Transit and Pedestrians (0.8mb)
Chapter 18 – Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (0.6mb)
Chapter 19 – Noise (0.2mb)
Chapter 20 – Construction (1.31mb)
Chapter 21 – Public Health (0.1mb)
Chapter 22 – Mitigation* (0.6mb)
Chapter 23 – Alternatives (0.9mb)
Chapter 24 – Unavoidable Significant Adverse Impacts (0.03mb)
Chapter 25 – Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources (0.01mb)
Chapter 26 – Growth-Inducing Aspects of the Proposed Project (0.02mb)
Chapter 27 – Responses to Comments on the DSEIS (0.1mb)
Chapter 28 – Modifications to the Proposed Project (1.82mb)
Appendix A – Zoning Text Amendments* (0.06mb)
Appendix B – Comparison of The Incremental and Reduced Shadows Due to Relocation of Miller Highway (3.08mb)
Appendix C – Natural Resources (0.5mb)
Appendix D – Coastal Assessment Form (0.17mb)
Appendix E – Traffic and Transit (0.13mb)
Appendix F – Air Quality (2.25mb)
Appendix G – Construction (6.47mb)
Appendix H – Alternatives (0.09mb)
Appendix I – Agency Correspondence (0.18mb)
Appendix J – Written Comments Received on the DSEIS (7.24mb)

* These files have been updated to reflect changes noted in an Errata issued on October 26, 2010.