New York Blood Center - Center East - Environmental Impact Statement

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On September 10, 2021, the New York City Department of City Planning, on behalf of the City Planning Commission as lead agency, issued a PDF Document Notice of Completion for a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the New York Blood Center - Center East proposal.

The public hearing was held in person in the NYC City Planning Commission Hearing Room, Lower Concourse, 120 Broadway, New York, NY and accessible remotely, on Thursday, July 29, 2021, at 10:00 am in conjunction with the City Planning Commission’s public hearing pursuant to ULURP. Written comments on the DEIS were received and considered by the Lead Agency through Monday, August 9, 2021. The FEIS incorporates responses to the public comments received on the DEIS and updated analysis conducted subsequent to the completion of the DEIS.

View the PDF Document Post FEIS Technical Memorandum - November 16, 2021

PDF Document The files below are in PDF format.

Cover and Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – Project Description
Chapter 2 – Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy
Chapter 3 – Socioeconomic Conditions (Indirect Business Displacement)
Chapter 4 – Open Space
Chapter 5 – Shadows
Chapter 6 – Historic and Cultural Resources
Chapter 7 – Urban Design and Visual Resources
Chapter 8 – Hazardous Materials
Chapter 9 – Water and Sewer Infrastructure
Chapter 10 – Transportation
Chapter 11 – Air Quality
Chapter 12 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
Chapter 13 – Noise
Chapter 14 – Public Health
Chapter 15 – Neighborhood Character
Chapter 16 – Construction Impacts
Chapter 17 – Mitigation
Chapter 18 – Alternative
Chapter 19 – Unavoidable Adverse Impacts
Chapter 20 – Growth Inducing
Chapter 21 – Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources
Chapter 22 – Response to Comments
Appendix A – Land Use, Zoning and Public PolicyY
Appendix B – Historic and Cultural Resources
Appendix C – Hazardous Materials
Appendix D – Noise
Appendix E – Construction Noise
Appendix F – Comments on the DEIS