Citywide Statement of Needs for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026

The Citywide Statement of Needs for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026 (SON) as compiled by the Department of City Planning (DCP) is the latest in the series of annual reports required under Section 204 of the City Charter.


This document is an important tool for aligning some of the Administration’s priorities – reducing inequalities, providing affordable housing, leveraging investments in neighborhood infrastructure and services – with agency capital projects and siting decisions that address community needs. Along with the Criteria for the Location of City Facilities (the Fair Share Criteria), the SON is part of a planning process in which communities are informed of the City's needs for facilities and the specific criteria for selecting the locations of those facilities.


The document is submitted for review to the City Council, the borough presidents, borough boards, and community boards. Within 90 days, the boards and the borough presidents may submit written comments to DCP. These comments are shared with the relevant city agencies and used to inform relevant planning processes. During the same 90-day period, the borough presidents may propose locations for any new city facilities if the locations are consistent with the Criteria for the Location of City Facilities and with the specific siting criteria in the Statement of Needs.

Comments and proposed locations for these facilities may be submitted to the Director of the Department of City Planning, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10271, or at, within 90 days of receipt of the Statement of Needs.

Additional Information

As part of a continuing program to provide the necessary tools for informed public participation in the process for the siting of city facilities, DCP also maintains the Facilities Database which contains over 36,000 city, state, federal and non-profit health, social service, public safety, educational, recreational, transportation and waste management facilities. This dataset is complemented with an interactive web map, the NYC Facilities Explorer. More information and a direct data download is available on the Department’s website under BYTES of the BIG APPLE.

The Zoning and Land Use Application (ZoLa) web map is another user-friendly interactive tool that provides information to support informed public participation in this process. More information on this resource can be found on the Department’s website under Maps & Geography.

Contents of the Statement of Needs

The SON contains proposals to establish, relocate, expand, consolidate, reduce, or close City facilities in all five boroughs during the next two fiscal years. Significant expansions and reductions are defined as the addition or discontinuance of the use of real property which would expand or reduce the size or capacity of a facility by 25 percent or more. The SON also contains information about the status of projects in earlier SONs, as well as a list of proposed new schools. Please refer to the SON’s Introduction for more information about its contents and structure.

The needs identified in the SON are constrained by realistic expectations of funding availability and implementation timetables.

The FY 2025 and 2026 Citywide Statement of Needs (SON) is available for download below. via the NYC Government Publications Portal.

Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026
PDF Document Mayoral Memorandum
PDF Document Citywide Statement of Needs for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026
PDF Document Borough Presidents and Community Boards Comments on the FY 2025-26 Statement of Needs

Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025
PDF Document Citywide Statement of Needs for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025
PDF Document Borough Presidents and Community Boards Comments on the FY 2024-25 Statement of Needs