The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) helps New York City apply evidence and innovation to reduce poverty and increase equity. We work to improve the systems of government by advancing the use of research, data and design in program and policy development, service delivery and budget decisions. What does that look like in practice? As our body of work over the eight years of the de Blasio Administration reflects, our multidisciplinary team works across City government, partnering with agencies to initiate new approaches and enhance existing practices.
Read NYC Opportunity's Retrospective
In this year’s digital report NYC Opportunity highlights just some of the initiatives that reflect the broad work of our office. In addition to being important in their own right, these nine projects illustrate the different ways that we put our principles into action: investing in programs that work to allocate resources for better results; improving service delivery to be more coordinated and effective; and better understanding and developing solutions to poverty, equity, and economic mobility.
Read the NYC Opportunity 2018-2019 Annual Report
This is the first annual report issued under the name of the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity. In May 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that two previously distinct units, the Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) and HHS-Connect, were merging to become the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (“NYC Opportunity” for short). This report details NYC Opportunity’s recent activities and lessons learned from the past decade. It also discusses how NYC Opportunity is contributing to two important City-wide commitments core to its mission: creating and tracking the City’s first concrete poverty-reduction goal, and supporting the City’s commitment to conduct agency-focused equity assessments and action plans to reduce disparities based on race, gender, income and sexual orientation.
Read the NYC Opportunity 2016-2017 Annual Report
CEO's seventh annual report details how CEO supports the de Blasio Administration's goal of promoting equality. Through research, evaluation, and other evidence building activities, CEO leverages its diverse capabilities to support policy and program design citywide: updating the annual poverty measure which shows the effects of various policy efforts; informing the strategies included in Career Pathways (the City's strategic plan to improve workforce development); evaluating Pre-K for All; launching Connections to Care (a community-based mental health service model that is part of ThriveNYC); and more.
Read the CEO 2014 - 2015 annual report
CEO's sixth Annual Report details the Center's institutional role in City government as an incubator of solutions to difficult social challenges; assesses CEO's groundbreaking research in developing a more accurate measure of poverty; offers perspectives from City agency partners, providers and participants on CEO's leadership in core issue areas; and provides data for CEO antipoverty interventions since 2006.
Read the CEO 2012 - 2013 annual report
CEO's fifth annual report highlights recent accomplishments including CEO's receipt of the Harvard University's Innovations in American Government Award, the expansion of programs through the Young Men's Initiative and the federal Social Innovation Fund, and CEO's work to help inform the Census Bureau's new Supplemental Poverty Measure.
Read the Local and National Impact 2011 report
This report highlights CEO's successful programs and provides an overview of the CEO poverty measure, an improved measure that captures the impact of policies and programs on low-income families. The report also describes ongoing efforts to replicate five of CEO's most promising initiatives in New York City and cities across the country.
Read the Replicating Our Results 2010 report
CEO's annual report, titled Evidence and Impact, provides an overview of activities and accomplishments in 2009, highlighting program impacts and CEO's ongoing evaluation agenda. The report also identifies CEO programs that have been scaled-up with public and private investments in New York City and beyond.
Read the Evidence and Impact 2009 report
Mayor Bloomberg released CEO's second annual report in April 2009 at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC. At this event, Mayor Bloomberg announced major progress for New York City's innovative anti-poverty strategies.
Read the Early Achievements and Lessons Learned 2008 report
In December 2007, Mayor Bloomberg announced that the Center for Economic Opportunity successfully implemented 31 new anti-poverty programs since being created in 2006. In addition, CEO released its first Strategy and Implementation Report, which provides an overview of strategy and details each new program.
Read the Strategy and Implementation 2007 report
On September 18, 2006, the Commission for Economic Opportunity prepared its report to the Mayor on reducing poverty in New York City. The report is the culmination of a comprehensive examination of poverty in the City, analyzing its causes, scope, and consequences. It is the Commission's conclusion that poverty in New York City can be significantly reduced if the City and its people act now.
Read the Commission for Economic Opportunity 2006 report