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Growing Up NYC Receives Award for “Best External Application”

November 2, 2017

Growing Up NYC, a mobile-first digital tool for New York City families, was recognized at “The Best of New York City 2017 Awards” at The NYC Technology Forum in Brooklyn, NY and received the award for “Best External Application.” Growing Up NYC brings the City’s family and children-related resources together in a mobile-first, accessible platform to make it easier for parents to raise strong and healthy kids. It features easy-to-read age guides with developmental milestones and parenting tips, over 70 City, State, and Federally-funded benefits and programs (hosted on the Benefits and Programs API), and local events and activities.

Growing Up NYC was developed through an iterative human-centered design process that engaged NYC families, stakeholders at our partner City agencies, and community partners such as libraries. It is co-sponsored by the NYC Children’s Cabinet and supported by our numerous agency partners.

Since launching last year, Growing Up NYC has reached over 100k NYC families. On October 25th 2017, we launched the second version of the site which now includes resources for ages 13-24 and is available in Spanish. We will soon be making an announcement about Growing Up’s companion site for teens and young adults, Generation NYC. Generation NYC was developed by engaging over 100 NYC youth and focuses on needs identified, including topics (health, college access, budgeting, etc), youth profiles, and free trips in NYC.

Interested in putting your data, design, and digital skills into service to build more tools like Growing Up NYC? The team is hiring.